Senin, 16 Desember 2019

Edited video with combine Video win movie maker + screen capture + paint and audacity.

     Before edited all the item with movie maker, we can record video with using screen capture application. Cut the video by using oposoft application and join them with movie maker. The way to edit the video is,click add video,open your document and choose some video that you need to edit. With movie maker you can add music,photo, video and other.

Senin, 02 Desember 2019

How to setting ISO for a camera

The ISO setting on your camera refers to the film or sensor's sensitivity to light. You can change the settings on your camera to make the film or sensor very sensitive to light through to not very sensitive to light. The lower the ISO number you select, the less sensitive to light it will be.

How to Take Good Photos With Your Phone: 8 Tips & Tricks
In this era, do not have to use an expensive camera to capture every moment. We can capture good photos and do not need to be complicated.  only use your smart phone.  Here are some tricks for taking good photos with just a cellphone.

Senin, 25 November 2019

Photo editor for Android or IOS

 I recommend a basic application that is used to edit photos on your smartphone. Easy to understand for the beginner's.  I will explain  what a good and bad the app and how to use the application then what application that we must try.

  1. Adobe Lightroom

Minggu, 17 November 2019

Introduce of photography

What is photography? photography is the science or art of taking pictures or videos. whereas people who take or experts in this matter are called photographers. as for the purpose of photography is documenting the joy in our lives, and sharing that joy with others.
Photos can take with digital cameras, but today's Android or smartphone would be the choice of many people, because it gives the results of images that are very good same with  the Dslr camera which is known have high price.